

There have been many changes in recent times with respect to attitudes to vaccination. This has come from:

  1. Our clients themselves have reasonably questioned the validity of yearly vaccination.
  2. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association – who have produced recommendations for vaccination protocols in small animal medicine (now centred around three-yearly vaccinations for core vaccines).
  3. Vaccine companies who have continued to develop improved vaccine technologies with extended duration of immunity.


What does this mean to you and your pet?

This has led us to change our focus from a yearly vaccination to a yearly health check. This has always been the most important part of the yearly check.

As part of this yearly health check we will discuss and, assess on an individual basis, the needs of your pet – its risk of disease and your own needs – will your pet be going to a boarding kennel or cattery, or attend a doggy daycare?

From this, we will base what is needed for your pet – a health check,  a vaccination for leptospirosis, a full vaccination including kennel cough for a dog boarding or attending daycare.

We run a yearly reminder system so that we can keep your companion in top health and ensure your pets vaccination status remains current.

A yearly health check includes a full check of the patient – ears, eyes, weight assessment, recording of dental health, discussion of any new changes with your pet such as new lumps or bumps, discussion of mobility and any questions that you have ranging from behaviour to diet.

REMEMBER the simple rule that every 1 year is the same as 6 to 7 years in our life span, so there can be significant changes over a 12 month period.

Questions? Get in Touch.

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